Semiconductor-based Flame Sensor project for Explosion Suppression Systems used in the Defense Industry from Nano and Optoelectronics Research group
The “semiconductor-based flame (flame) sensor” study, whose design and preliminary studies (production, characterization, etc.) were carried out by Physics Department faculty members Prof. Dr. Ayşe Erol and Assist. Dr. Fahrettin Sarcan, upgraded to Technology Preparatory Class 3. Within the scope of the development of photodetectors working in the IR region for use, "Nero Industry Defense Industry Inc. In cooperation with the TÜBİTAK Industry R&D Projects Support Program (TÜBİTAK-1501)" project has been awarded the right to be supported. The sensors, which will be produced and optimized at the end of the project with a budget of ~1.8 million TL and which will last for 24 months, will strengthen the explosion suppression systems of "Nero Industry Defense Industry Inc." currently used in the defense industry with semiconductor-based device technology, thereby reducing foreign dependence in our country's defense industry.